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02 43 81 15 57 6 rue Notre Dame 72000 Le Mans
  • Français

Other June visitors at the Shrine

Came to visit or see the Shrine again, in the second part of June: Maria Semersheim, PhD  student at the University of Notre-Dame du Lac; Jessie Guerriero, student also at Notre-Dame, who came with her sister; 6 American seminarians and their accompanying priest,...

Visit of the students from Holy Cross high school

On June 13, 7 students from the Holy Cross high school in Le Mans and their accompanist, Anne-Elisabeth Langé, came to the Shrine. After a guided tour of the church by Tiphaine Hamerel, they were able to discuss with Father Romuald Fresnais, teacher at the Holy Cross...

A drone at the Shrine

On Wednesday, June 5, Sister Ann Lacour, Superior of the Marianites of Holy Cross, and Brother Joël Giallanza, csc, came to the Shrine accompanied by an audiovisual production team, Air2D3, to shoot images of our Lady of Holy Cross in preparation for an interview with...

Discovery of Ruillé-sur-Loir and Laigné-en-Belin

On Monday, June 10, the pilgrims discovered, in the morning, with Sister Gillian Murphy, the Little Providence and the Great Providence of Ruillé-sur-Loir, where Fr. Jacques Dujarié founded the Sisters of Providence and the Brothers of Saint-Joseph (who became the...

Closing Mass of the Jubilee

Sunday, June 9, was held at the cathedral, presided by Bishop Vuillemin, the closing mass of the jubilee of the 150th anniversary of the entry into Heaven of Blessed Basile Moreau. Of the 22 countries in which the Holy Cross Family (Fathers, Brothers and Sisters) is...

Mass at the tomb for the pilgrims of the closing of the jubilee

18 pilgrims, priests and brothers of the Congregation of Holy Cross came from India, Bangladesh, Haiti, Uganda, the United States, Peru, to participate in the closing pilgrimage of the jubilee of 150 years of entry into Heaven of Blessed Basile Moreau. They were...