Notre Dame de l’Habit (Our Lady of Pity) is a small chapel built around the year 1515 and was given to Fr. Moreau in 1847. Ten years before his death, he gave it to the nearby Parish of Domfront-en-Champagne, which belongs to the Diocese of Le Mans.
Oftentimes Fr. Moreau went on pilgrimage to this chapel. That is why this pilgrimage was part of the celebrations of the 150th anniversary of Entry into Heaven of Blessed Basil Moreau. On September 10, 2023, Frs Paul-Elie Cadet, CSC, and Joseph Ganzalves, CSC, went on pilgrimage with their parishioners and the parishioners of Conlie and Domfront-en-Champagne to the chapel of Notre Dame de l’Habit.
About 150 people came to Sunday morning Mass at Domfront. After Mass, there were a good social and lunch served by the parishioners there and their vicars, Frs. Jean-Max Renard and Patrick Pouplin. After lunch the participants went on procession from the church to the chapel, praying and singing all along the 1.5 kilometres that lead to l’Habit. In the chapel were shared prayers intentions, some talked about the history of the Chapel (including the relationship between this chapel and Fr. Moreau, and his devotion to Our lady of Sorrows), there were prayers of Praise and Glory, and the Litanies of Our Lady of Sorrows were said. The celebration ended with the blessing of all by the four priests. Everything was well done. All went home with great joy and satisfaction.